Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lady In Red(Yellow technically)

All about goose bumps!

Ah! Sometimes when you feel really very down in your life.Things turn awfully monotonous and you are like lying down all day in your room,lazy even to get up for water.Well today was one of those days and it started as one of the most boring mornings for me and ended as the most beautiful evening ever.Lets just say such is the state of my heart that it has inspired me to write after a very long time and my heart is still pounding under my chest.I am sweating while writing this.

I went for this family parties with parents today.As usual , i had just accompanied them out shear respect for them and mom's continuous nagging about how i am getting out of hand.So here i was sitting amongst a group of strangers who are barely know each other and out of courtesy , we exchanged names and all of us know that this was just for the evening as we never had to meet again and neither did we care to do so.Till this beautiful,young girl entered the room.What beauty! What elegance! What charm! What poise! What spontaneity!What vibrant glow on her face! What beauty! Ah! The miff of air around.All hearts where swaying and so was mine.Mine was actually doing karaoke by then.I had lost my consciousness by then as i am blank after that.It was wine personified.I am saying that again as i am and was speechless.Its amazing how i acknowledged so much of her at just a glance but the later part of the evening proved how little i thought of her until the evening concluded and i had lost myself totally.

Well she said hi and we got chatting. Early into the conversation, it was totally formal.My questions and her elegant answers.The other guys at the table were joining in as well and it was nicely going along.The evening was smooth and while every one was having just another day,sitting chit-chatting, i was having a ride of imagination.The rush,warmth and excitement was unusual for me.I have never experienced such a rush of blood to all parts of my body ever.I really do not remember a single word out of the two hour conversation we had but just her quick ways,cute gestures and enigmatic smile.Oh! That smile.She always had some thing or the other to bring up.So involved were we,that the rest had got the cue to fall into groups themselves.We never realized how everyone started leaving near us. Our interests matched.Our opinions matched and half way through the conversation, i had realized that we were hitting it off ! We talked about movies,books,college,society,people and what not.Suddenly we discover our school connections too.She was from my school,just an year senior to me.Then it got even more intense.We took a break for having dinner.I really do not remember eating anything, it was just the dehydration due to continuous sweating and the rush that i had gallons of water.

We rejoined, again conversation sparked off and passions ignited.By now i had completely lost track of time::place::society::what she is speaking:: EVERYTHING. It was she speaking speaking speaking and me awkwardly smiling smiling smiling and the rest of the crowd frowning frowning frowning.I was always contemplating about what my next statement will be while still admiring her slender,glowing and vivacious looks in my mind.She had clouded my imaginations.

Finally the time came when we had to leave.It was nearing midnight and parents signaled me to leave.The most beautiful evening was coming to an abrupt end but i sort of the day by pushing forward my hand to meet hers for a cordial handshake goodbye(thats how we do that in India).She smiled ever so brightly and was rather amazed and happy to give my compliments.She rose and i rose up too.I said " Its was great meeting you and hope to be in touch", she returned the gesture.And with the ever so lovely poise and grace she walked away.Her body shone brightly under the huge chandelier as she walked in her daisy yellow dress into the crowd.I finished with hasty handshakes all around and went ahead to meet mom.I greeted a lady who was talking to my mother.My eyes still searching hers.My head took a 180' view and finished with she standing in front of me.That lady was her mom.So i was sort of relieved and curious about this.My mother seemed to know her from before due to earlier acquaintance at some other party,i guess.I guess this was the first girl that i have fallen for whom my mom knows and likes.

We walked out of the hall,she was still there but i had to leave.I caught the last glimpse of hers, still talking vividly with a bunch of guys over a few soft drinks.I thought she would look back at me as i leave but i guess she was not aware of the situation and maybe her heart was not pounding as fast mine or she was not loosing her breath ever second like me.But i still think with the kind of passion and brightness in our conversation ,the feeling of loveliness was mutual! :)

While i was stepping into the car, i brought up her topic.I said " Mom,she was really cute".Mum smiled slowly, realizing something and said " Yes, i know.A well brought up girl".

All through the drive back home i kept of regretting the follow

1)Why didn't i take her number
2)Why didn't i confess to her how beautiful she was.
3)Why haven't i shaved for 15 days now when i look like a total maverick .

Still , i am too rosy,mushy and warm with the feeling to sleep.This will not go.

Love you.

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your head that catch your eyes I have been blind
The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright you were amazing
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled, It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight

The way you look tonight
I never will forget, the way you look tonight
The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red (I love you.)