Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mr Cash ' The Day Dreamer'

“…..I must confess we are going slow on the market but there are many projects in the pipeline and In sometime we shall be soaring high on the NAV’s”. Our prime clients are satisfied and perhaps are willing to invest more by the end of the year. That’s enough for this company. We are stepping into retail from the next fiscal year which is sure to act as a boon for us.” Said Steve perspiring a bit.

Eyes blood shot ,cigar blowing profusely and dark coffee floating into his mouth. One shall be stupid to believe that Mr Cash was not angry with the annual reports. He pushed back the chair, got up and went to the window plane. He gazed for a while and then gave grin. He was finished with his cigar and coffee and it meant that it was the time he started speaking. “Guys we need to invest 60% in retail and 13.5% in real estate and 14% in HRD. Rest shall be given to the treasury. Get in touch with Roy as we might need him. Get a lid on our new recruits. Postpone the IPO. Do not forget to add cocktails in the meetings from the nest time. And I nearly forgot. Steve you pipeline is leaking to our rivals these days. Dear you are fired. ”

In one stoke he had scored the homerun. He rolled a cigarette, loosened his tie, then showing off his new wedding ring with 5 diamonds signifying that he was getting married for the fifth time lighted the cigarette. All in five seconds. Only Cash could do it.

Then he thumped his way out of the board room signaling Martin to follow him and leaving the 14 members startled and Steve paranoid. “That old man knows everything”. ”Do u see his quick ways with everything.”. Ya tell me about it.” Those figures could take months to come to even by a well accomplished manager but Cash got them up just over the meeting. And who could know that Steve was that ass amongst us giving rise to scandals and malice. ”Only Cash Only Cash. ”And getting into the good books of the president of States is an excellent idea as well “ Among all of this taking Steve kept murmuring “Like I did not knew that was coming. This old wine has an eye of a hawk and this wine is getting sweeter,……”

“Mr Lawson your bill amount is for 9$ and 48 cents.” cried the shopkeeper. A shudder ran through him as if bitten by thousands scorpions. ”Ya there”. ”Sorry Sir we have no change”. “Gosh these people are quite stubborn” murmured Mr Lawson. ”What about some got dam courtesy”. ”I better make a call and tell her that I shall be late or she will pounce on me with hundred question when I reach home”.

“Hullo ,….. Ladies and Gentleman I present in front of you one of my latest inventions which will revolutionize the way make phone calls. Mr Cash was finishing with his vodka and warming up to present his research. Here you see this receptor called Cash A, named after me off course shall be fitted into your auditory canal in your brain. The receptors shall be sensing fartizenal 38’20 wave of your brain in common terms the thoughts in your mind which are directed to your vocal cords and stimulating a nearby station in your offices or house or market where ever you. These stations will also take the 320ound 40” wave coming out of your vocal cord commonly called your voice command to register so as to where you want to make the call. Thus the Station will stimulate the other Station of your friend and thus he will also receive a stimuli in the form of fartizenal 38’20 wave of your brain in common terms the thoughts in your mind and then it will depend on the 320ound 40” wave coming out of your vocal cord commonly called your voice command whether to take the call or not. Simply you only have to wish to call someone and in the next second he will be on the line only if he has no grudges against you and wants to take the your call”. He had taken the last sip of his lemon drink signifying that the presentation had ended. The hall was filled with laughs and applauses.

“And I am not done yet. My dear ladies”. “Yes my love” cried a lady and fell into his arms to whom he gave the utmost of respect. He gladly bent down and kissed her on the cheek and said “Very well my love”. He continued “Then Ladies I thought of you and came to the conclusion that you are too delicate to be disturbed for a surgery to get Cash A installed in your brains. So I made this capsule called Cassyy which carries the receptor and will self install in your brain. So now your pain is reduced to just taking this pill and the technology will take over the rest. People we should learn to dream and then shall realize the truth. What Say !

“Oh you are such a winner CASH” and “So droll and witty too” and “You have hit the bulls eye again.” “Awaiting another nobel prize my hero” “Will you marry me Even if I am a man ”cried a few souls in the audience to say the least. Followed by a standing ovation by the crowd who were the left enchanted and aghast. In reply Mr Cash just smiled for a second and said “Our dinner is getting cold please join us”. Celia, his secretary asks in the backstage “It’s a success Sir.” “Ah baby it’s a hit Would You like a cigarette or two” “Will put money in our pocket. Let them be happy now and they will suffer the consequences later.”. “Do you think bio technology will be now be called CASHO TECNOLOGY or the vodka was too heavy ?” …………….

“I am gonna snap the phone if you are not going to speak.” cried Mrs Lawson. “Hey honey its me Ted.” “Was it another passing fit of yours. Again you give grounds to your crazy imaginations. When will you get over it. You are seventy and just take it easy. See the doctor on your way home.” “I just called to tell you that I shall be late.” “Late, Late for what. Don’t tell me that you are going to those stupid football games again.” He had already smashed the phone down.

“So what can take up my hours now” said Ted flipping over the pamphlet. ‘Mazurka’ nah its too eleganto. ‘Royals Pub’ nah its too smoky these days. Here its is “Franky S vs Tony Hess at the amphitheatre”……….. “We want blood We want blood We want blood !” roared the 50,000 mob at the MADISON SQUARE ARENA. “The crowd is quite upbeat for your return.” “What do you expect when a beast with 7 heavy weight titles makes a return” murmured the team members of Mr Cash who getting ready to enter the arena.

“Hey Casho would you mind telling me the reason of wearing a tuxedo instead of your trunks before this match.” said coach Simpson.

“First of all no one calls me Casho and Second of all I have a date just after the match

Hey ! You punk get me the camera and take a vignette for the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.

Have the advertisement people arrived. Tell them I have not got all night! And whats all these fluids You know its only booze that gets me going. Simpson, tell me something about this weird creature Franky S.”said Mr Cash in a gagging tone. “Sir he is 300 pounds of pure muscle. He has been the Champ since you left and is red hot and smelling blood. He is fast as a panther. He has a terrific fore arm..” “Ya Ya I get it. He is nothing but loads of weight for me. What you need in boxing is a clear and balanced head ! Be sure of your strokes and be aware of your opponents eye like a vulture and you are done.”

“Gottche Champ.” Said Simpson “Its Mr Cash and go and make the announcements”

As Mr Cash entered the arena the crowd erupted. There was a clash of the titans. Cash entered the ring and gave a smile to Franky S. The ladies again loved him in the tuxedo and the security had a hard time. “Frankkyy wanna call off the match ? You seem to be all stressed out. Go to your Mommy.” exclaimed Mr Cash. He got rid of the coat, opened a few button of his shirt, loosened the collar and wore the boxing gloves. He was ready to kill . “What about the mouth piece” said the coach. Cash turned around and said “Ah you wont keep quite will you. Keep it ! You will learn to smile watching them.”

The referee called for the bell and the match started. “ You should get some lemon drink. Man you sweating like wild” said Cash as Franky S tried to pounce on him. Cash fooled around for a while and kept on dodging the hysterical monster. All the pounding blows of Franky went in vain. “ He is fifty but quite agile” “He is Mr Cash. He is the chosen one. I hope you know” said a few people in the crowd. While the crowd got amused Frank was getting tired. Cash turned the fire on him towards the end of the round and give him a rally of strokes. He was leaving him breathless after every stroke. After every blow Cash said “ This one is for your bitch This one is for your cur This one is for your mongrel”. Cash was getting on the nerves of his opponent. Franky got rattled and said “So when are your trail dates for the murder of your wife” Cash was really done with fooling around and one could sense his punch traveling a mile before landing on the cheek of Franky S. Franky was down and out. Its was only for this nano second that Cash seemed serious in the match and it was enough for him to win the 8th title. At last Cash went to Franky who was lying cold and said “No one talks to Mr Cash like that. You miserable scoundrel !’ Simpson said “ You finished it without breaking a sweat.” Cash replied “ Well my date is waiting Get me the coat Its raining”………….

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Turmoil Lives On

Where w e stand in the US presidential primaries is quite certain for the republicans and very very very uncertain for the democrats

The nomination of JOHN MCCAIN from republicans is sure as even if he loses all the rest of the states to HUCKABEE he will still continue on to win the nomination for the US presidential race

But for Hillary and Obama its very twisted.If we follow the current trends as in California Florida and the rest of the states the results have been quite close.After every primaries both of them have been extremely close in their number of votes and are neck to neck.It was quite evident from the SUPER TUESDAY which is considered to the decider for nomination but the nomination of democrats was still undecided even after it.We should give the credit to the striking similarity in their ideologies or the divided opinions of the people,we can't say

If we assume that the state of affairs remains uncertain till the nominations of all the states are over i.e till all the states like TEXAS are done then also the result will still remain undecided and we will still not be having a winner in the race as both shall be unable to cross the finishing line of 1197(the umber of votes required for nominations).So one of them from now onwards has to really outperform the other or we will surely be left with a tie.On such basis we have to take into consideration the number of SUPER DELEGATES earned by both of them.They are the high ranks of the party and their votes matter the most.For now i am glad to tell you all that my predictions are true and OBAMA is comfortably leading the number of super delegates.

But expect the unexpected from TEXAS as its known for having quite a different mental frame than the rest of the US.I am sure that one of them will lead after TEXAS

At last let me throw some light on the bigger issues.Okay we all can now judge how the nomination race in going but can we also predict

Where w e stand in the US presidential primaries id quite certain for the republicans and very very very uncertain for the democrats

The nomination of JOHN MCCAIN from republicans is sure as even if he loses all the rest of the states to HUCKABEE he will still continue on to win the nomination for the US presidential race

But for Hillary and Obama its very twisted.If we follow the current trends as in California Florida and the rest of the states the results have been quite close.After every primaries both of them have been extremely close in their number of votes and are neck to neck.It was quite evident from the SUPER TUESDAY which is considered to the decider for nomination but the nomination of democrats was still undecided even after it.We should give the credit to the striking similarity in their ideologies or the divided opinions of the people,we can't say

If we assume that the state of affairs remains uncertain till the nominations of all the states are over i.e till all the states like TEXAS are done then also the result will still remain undecided and we will still not be having a winner in the race as both shall be unable to cross the finishing line of 1197(the umber of votes required for nominations).So one of them from now onwards has to really outperform the other or we will surely be left with a tie.On such basis we have to take into consideration the number of SUPER DELEGATES earned by both of them.They are the high ranks of the party and their votes matter the most.For now i am glad to tell you all that my predictions are true and OBAMA is comfortably leading the number of super delegates.

But expect the unexpected from TEXAS as its known for having quite a different mental frame than the rest of the US.I am sure that one of them will lead after TEXAS

At last let me throw some light on the bigger issues.Okay we all can now judge how the nomination race in going but can we also predict which party will enter the white house at last.We can,to some extent say that the voter turn out for the republicans is quite low as compared to democrats.DO u get the picture.And
we must also keep in mind that republicans are presenting quite the same list of ideologies as BUSH presented 4yrs ago with subtle changes on internal security issue but the part remains stern on IRAQ.
Now do u get the picture???

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Though HILLARY should be but OBAMA will be elected

My predictions for the primaries held in 22 states across US comes
here.Well i have closely watching the growth of the evnts from
last 4 months or so and i have found myself into a comfortable
spot to predict the DEMOCRATS winner.

OBAMA,A man quite blunt in whatever he says and quite determined
to get things done through proper channels.A radical individual
with all the support of the FORWARD BLOC of the US vote's.He can
Be as aggressive as G W Bush at times and as defensive as Bill
Clinton.He knows when to act easy to take the emotional leverage
over the audience and when to act tough and show is YANKEE
spirit.Like on the immigration issue he starts off saying that he
shall remain vigilant on the matter and acts easy on it.But acts
very very solid and strict on giving license to drive for the
immigrants.He confirms its a very "RESERVED" right and shall not
But Obama has a sharp contrast in his ideologies and reveals to
The voters the true meaning of CHANGE.
Its easy to say that Hillary has emotional advantage monetary
advantage experience as a senator and above all she is a CLINTON
but wait OBAMA is a KENNEDY.Getting tough.She has done a lot for
the child welfare and woman empowerment and never forgets to make
his a point to prude over for the pudits of polling.The only
thing that goes against OBAMA is his experience as a senator.But
none the less may any one win but it is sure to bring a fresh
breathe of air in THE WHITE HOUSE after November,2008
I got to understand the inexperience of the guy when he said in a
debate that he wished to withdraw the army just in a few months
saying this with authority and wisdom of a school boy but hillary
was quick to turn the tables by telling from her experience the

Consequences of speedy withdrawal which is bound to create unrest in
IRAQ and cause political instability.

It can never be so well balanced as it is now for hillary and

AND HAVE MISTAKES TOO(why i say 'mistakes' for obama as he is
inexperienced') THEN PICK OBAMA.

For now i am surely putting my money on OBAMA as americans are a
bunch of hot headed fools ready for quich quick change change but
unknowing of its ill effects.Americans are too irrational and take
their decisions on INSTINCT hence they will choose OBAMA.