Saturday, February 23, 2008

Turmoil Lives On

Where w e stand in the US presidential primaries is quite certain for the republicans and very very very uncertain for the democrats

The nomination of JOHN MCCAIN from republicans is sure as even if he loses all the rest of the states to HUCKABEE he will still continue on to win the nomination for the US presidential race

But for Hillary and Obama its very twisted.If we follow the current trends as in California Florida and the rest of the states the results have been quite close.After every primaries both of them have been extremely close in their number of votes and are neck to neck.It was quite evident from the SUPER TUESDAY which is considered to the decider for nomination but the nomination of democrats was still undecided even after it.We should give the credit to the striking similarity in their ideologies or the divided opinions of the people,we can't say

If we assume that the state of affairs remains uncertain till the nominations of all the states are over i.e till all the states like TEXAS are done then also the result will still remain undecided and we will still not be having a winner in the race as both shall be unable to cross the finishing line of 1197(the umber of votes required for nominations).So one of them from now onwards has to really outperform the other or we will surely be left with a tie.On such basis we have to take into consideration the number of SUPER DELEGATES earned by both of them.They are the high ranks of the party and their votes matter the most.For now i am glad to tell you all that my predictions are true and OBAMA is comfortably leading the number of super delegates.

But expect the unexpected from TEXAS as its known for having quite a different mental frame than the rest of the US.I am sure that one of them will lead after TEXAS

At last let me throw some light on the bigger issues.Okay we all can now judge how the nomination race in going but can we also predict

Where w e stand in the US presidential primaries id quite certain for the republicans and very very very uncertain for the democrats

The nomination of JOHN MCCAIN from republicans is sure as even if he loses all the rest of the states to HUCKABEE he will still continue on to win the nomination for the US presidential race

But for Hillary and Obama its very twisted.If we follow the current trends as in California Florida and the rest of the states the results have been quite close.After every primaries both of them have been extremely close in their number of votes and are neck to neck.It was quite evident from the SUPER TUESDAY which is considered to the decider for nomination but the nomination of democrats was still undecided even after it.We should give the credit to the striking similarity in their ideologies or the divided opinions of the people,we can't say

If we assume that the state of affairs remains uncertain till the nominations of all the states are over i.e till all the states like TEXAS are done then also the result will still remain undecided and we will still not be having a winner in the race as both shall be unable to cross the finishing line of 1197(the umber of votes required for nominations).So one of them from now onwards has to really outperform the other or we will surely be left with a tie.On such basis we have to take into consideration the number of SUPER DELEGATES earned by both of them.They are the high ranks of the party and their votes matter the most.For now i am glad to tell you all that my predictions are true and OBAMA is comfortably leading the number of super delegates.

But expect the unexpected from TEXAS as its known for having quite a different mental frame than the rest of the US.I am sure that one of them will lead after TEXAS

At last let me throw some light on the bigger issues.Okay we all can now judge how the nomination race in going but can we also predict which party will enter the white house at last.We can,to some extent say that the voter turn out for the republicans is quite low as compared to democrats.DO u get the picture.And
we must also keep in mind that republicans are presenting quite the same list of ideologies as BUSH presented 4yrs ago with subtle changes on internal security issue but the part remains stern on IRAQ.
Now do u get the picture???

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