Saturday, May 29, 2010

Year 2009-10 concludes.

Highlight of the year : Eddie Vedder ( Pearl Jam/Into the Wild)
So here i am sitting on my bed with this bright sunlight falling on my face through my window plane.Surprisingly just sitting for 2 hours now.And smiling. Content,relaxed and very happily.The academic year 2009-10 has finally ended.I am quite alone on this last day at my hostel with it being virtually empty. The new found calm is nice. Its refreshing to wake up listening to birds chirping and singing in my balcony than heavy metal or punjabi bhangra.

The year was a bright one for me and probably it was an year of 'Rebirth(in the real world)-Learning' for me. I came to this university as a kid and i am going back home as an adult(in the real sense).Lots of things changed over the last year for me,my perspective towards life in general,my habits, my goals(academically speaking).I sort of discovered the essence of knowledge.Knowledge about myself, the world and the beautiful people in it.The realization and knowledge of love,which is something new and confusing.The knowledge about understanding everything.Finally,the knowledge that nothing in permanent and bounded to change.Change,ya that is permanent. We will keep on growing,changing and evolving.

And the high point is ,this is so just the beginning of the numerous EVENTS.Officially this is where it all begins.

So my ride to the station is waiting, i have to go home! Maa, here i come.

Happy Summer,

I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One Fine Day!

Here a few little things that can make a short trip very refreshing and relaxing:

Another good outing yesterday.Terrible weather but exciting to go for a trip.We did go for a trip.It was just that we went 70 kms just for eating kentucky fried chicken.We reached in the time but rode back(70kms) to our place in an auto rickshaw. When its terrible weather with quite decent showers from the sky,being a cloudy and dark night and the road being slippery,you tend to get a bit scared at the thought of driving on N.H.And when you are siting in the front alongside the driver,its not such a cozy affair.Even the dogs were running around,frantically looking for cover from the rains.

So you tend to take your mind off it and just enjoy the scene rather than thinking of the possible consequences.So here it goes.The auto rickshaw was going at a decent pace of 40km/hr or may be a bit more at times.I was sitting next to him(driver) with my head alternating from inside the auto to outside while the chilled breeze was kissing my face,touching my eyes and ruffling my hairs(long hairs i might add) making long burrows on my head and the drizzle kept a tantalizing balance between wetting me and not wetting me.It was like every drop that was falling on my face was carefully dried by the wind coming over it the next second,leaving me amazed.It was as if i was first hand experiencing the delicate touch of mother nature.It was ecstasy as it happened again and again and again making me grow more and more fonder of the moment.I thought for a second,may this ride never end and this feeling never leave my soul when you can feel the utter sense of calmness.

We stopped for tea,under the weather which was tending to becoming dry.Hot tea served.Deja-Vu happened when i was having quite a surreal experience back in Lucknow days over a biking trip.Still the dampness left behind after fresh rain water was floating in the air.Everytime it entered my nostrils,it caressed it to my delight.

At last we reached.We walked to our rooms while i saw the leaves shinning green and dark everywhere.There are moments in life which happen and stay alive and vivid forever.Yesterday,was one of those experiences.

Phew! **Sigh** Deep breath!