Friday, February 12, 2010

5pm Feb 12th '10


Right now i am out watching Swadesh , one more time. Its because of Gita or something else i don't know but i can't help watching it whenever i find time

Its a lazy afternoon here in kanpur with green plants all around me all drenched in fresh rain water.It has been raining from quite a while and i am absolutely cherishing my experience of coming home in this time of the year when its so pleasant all around.

I don't know why , but i am turning poetic here as i listen to leaves been brushed aside far away by some one under the trees , as i listen to the cloud of birds retreating to their nests after a quite a moist day , as i hear the koel rhythms far off , as i turn nostalgic for all of you sitting in kerela backwaters in one frame having the evening chai.

Now mom is wake , and i am off for chai with parents.

Cheers guys to this lovely affair with life in true sense when you have utter sense of relief, calmness and serenity all around. Today ,i want no more but this feeling to stay with me forever and always provide me the soothing balm in the toughest of challenges ahead as i will always know that just a little more far off , if i carry on and have more faith , i have my family to come to and forget the rest.

At last these lines are just conjuring up in my head

As i stand admist this wind kissing my face ...
I wonder ' I prefer solace over fun'
I prefer silence over talking
I prefer thoughts over expression
Couple over crowd
Truth over love,fame,faith and everything ...

And i reach out to my quiet repose.

Love You,


Isha Sharma said...

beautiful post sho!
it's truly beautiful(:

Shobhit said...

Ish! I know when its from the heart ... Thnx!