Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was walking then when you passed
Smiling in the golden gleam of the sun
Like a flower blossoming
And your lips like petals bursting open
And eyes so deep as an ocean
You are my Sunshine

I am standing there ever since
Like the world has frozen
Again you pass with the same smile
Smiling in the golden gleam of the sun
Like a flower blossoming
And your lips like petals bursting open
And eyes so deep as an ocean
You are my Sunshine

I am standing there ever since
Like the world has frozen
Again you pass with a giggle
On seeing me there ,exactly there
Giggling in the golden gleam of the sun
Like a flower blossoming
And your lips like petals bursting open
Eyes shining like stars
You are my Sunshine

I am standing there ever since
Like the world has frozen
Again you pass, frowning a bit
On seeing me there,exactly there
Still your face shining under the sun
Like a flower ready to blossom
And your lips like petals ready to burst
Eyes not meeting mine this time
You are my Sunshine

And I am standing there ever since
Like the world has frozen
And you never passed again
Suddenly , its nightfall
Just dark , very dark,barren and scary all around

And I am waiting there ever since
To catch another one of those
Smiles,giggles or frowns
In the golden gleam of the sun
Like a flower blossoming
Like petals bursting open
Like eyes so deep as an ocean

You are my Sunshine forever....
And i will Wish and Wait forever....


Isha Sharma said...

a very very beautiful and captivating poem sho! nice work
except for the first line
"I was walking then when you passed"
"then when" part, is it a typo or did you mean it to be like this?
and if you did,then perhaps you would like to make use of a punctuation known as comma?

Unknown said...

kick ass.....

Shobhit said...

@ Ish! :D

It was .. i was walking at dat time when u just passed me and since then i m standing there


@ D poem was 'kick ass' or u want to kick my ass coz i am thinking this way!

i know its was the first one!

Luv u bro!


shilpa said...

really a very nice poem...:)

Shobhit said...

Glad u liked it shilpa! Kudos!