Saturday, December 8, 2007

Growing Up

Life is so complicated.A plain and simple statement that just goes
past readers eyes and he just misses the essence of it which can
be realized only by someone who has gone through all this.The
PEOPLE very close to your hearts throughout your childhood remain
close until their hearts are theirs when someone else completely
out of the blue comes up and holds the strings of the heart of
your loved one then your music with him loses its glow.You lose
your childhood dear to someone who steps into his life just when
he is 25.You fell REPROACHED.Ya you really do feel miserable.

But thats life isn't it.You tend to move on and build your own
loved ones all over again.One actually recovers from such loses by
learning that these are the ways of life and we actually fall into
love or we make new friends only with those people who are bearing
a striking resemblance with the personality of the people or
friends we have known from our childhood and all these new friends
are very much the new gift which rejuvenate our life.The ardor of
the former relation is surely reduced but not left in the cold.

We have to grow in many spheres of life like socially,relationship
wise and mentally.Such new relations are mere reflection of such
growth which is so plain and transparent.

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