Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Next GEN

Hello everyone,

Well, we all now believe that India has surely transformed into a new era.We are living in a time where the children are breed apart from their parents.And their countless emotions reflect in their personalities.So here comes my question tell me one such event where the youth of India has shown its transformation in the new age and encapsulated all the.It might be an event portrayed by an Indian personality

I shall give my opinion in the following mail.
Rag your brains a little and ponder at ur leisure. This will surely help you in understanding the face on INDIA

No one who saw the match betwenn india and south africa at the wandeer's ,johanesburg can forget Sreesanth running down the pitch in triumph after hitting andrew nel over his head for a six after andrew nel's spurring words on shree's honour and proud

It is the attitude of an India that can hold its nerve and flex its muscular strength, an India whose self-confidence is rooted in the sober mind of self-knowledge ("I am a fast bowler," said Sreesanth), an India that says to the future, "come on; I am not afraid of you."

Sreesanth's extraordinary hit over Nel's head for six encapsulated for me all that is different about the new India: courage, assertiveness, a refusal to be intimidated, a willingness to take risks and ultimately the confidence to stand up to the best that the outside world can stare at us.

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