Sunday, December 9, 2007


Relation! How can we define a relation.What are the aspects of
revolving around a relation.How can we adjudge a relation in
simplest of terms.

I mean to define a relation between two individuals as thought of
responsibilities,fragnant with love and filled with emotions.You
lack anyone of them and you lack in the basic instinct of a

When i just move out of my house.I am met across by a market full
of shoppers.I decided to take a walk at five in the evening to get
a rush into the people around us who EXIST around us,in his world
itself,but are so far that we can call ourself alone

I see all kinds relationships existing there.relationship out of
acquaintances,love,affection and mere motives.I see a busy middle
aged fellow who seems to return home after the day's hard work.
With an expression of contentment on his face.He goes home feeling
strong about his RELATION with his family.I can observe the veggie
market stuffed with ladies who belong to all strata's.The ladies
are referring to the vendor with all kinds of relations whih could
fetch her advantage of a few annas but such relations comes for
free and the vendor is himself smart enough to show his concern of
the types of veggies required for the house of his each customer.
"Mam would you mind taking a few carrots as well for your loved
one,They are FRESH"

I even see a small child going about, playing his heart out in the
game of cricket which is usually referred to as GULLY CRICKET.
He hurts himself and is at once called up stairs by his mother.He
runs to her as if there is no end to his pain without his mother
showing the value of the priceless RELATION with which he is
blessed by all mighty.The mother at once takes him in her
arms,washes his wounds,cleaning the cloths,giving some advice
along with some refreshing drinks and keeping him close to
herself.Thus reflecting the passion of the most wonderful
relationship of them all.
Then i go on further and observe a few group of college goers who
are drunken i youth,blinded by ego,tired with clashes in their minds.
These relationship shouldn't be filling even one of the criterias
given above They are so called friends whose friendship is made and broken
each day of the passing calender.I even see a young boy going
along slowly down the road along with his brother who holds him
strong, abounded with love.The young one suddenly slips but feels
content immediately as his brother is very to beat the hell out of
the poor pebbles who caused all the fuss

I can see an old woman trying hard to cross the road but fails
each time she tries to as the traffic is rattling past her.A very
young boy,probably himself not yet allowed to cross the
street,helps the old lady by giving her some support.A relation
abounds them which is just lasting a few seconds interaction.
I can also observe a few gentleman at the bus stand who are
waiting for their bus and in the meanwhile discussing all possible
issues relating the state from rising oil prices to western
culture to transport problems to cricket.I cannot understand why
do they have to share all their wisdom on the bus stop only.But
such relations are just out of respect for the individual

From all the shades of the relations that i have established uptil
now what i mean to say is that a relationship cannot be valued or
respected by the name of it.Its an emotion!
A warm feeling that captures two hearts and can never be
established by blood,race,creed or religion.Its credit can never
be claimed.Its essence can be judged.It has to be regarded as a
feeling and feeling alone.No one other than the person involved in
the relation can judge a relation.Be clear,correct and caring for
your relation and believe me these three C's shall benefit
you.Whats essentially can be taken out of the whole passage is
that never can two people belonging to the same religion or family
be related.
Why are brothers/sister specifically called REAL BROTHERS/SISTERS.Whats real in them,their substance or relation.I can never understand WHAT ?
For heavens sake just stop conditioning things!!!

So keeping with this prospective it becomes evident that even an individual
cannot be related to his god.Thus a hindu can worship Allah and a
muslim can be in divine with Rama. So when it comes down to individual only then religion
loses its existence! So there is no religion its individual that present in blood and soul

At last it becomes a conclusive that no one in this world can relate two souls.They can be related to each other by them and them alone.They must feel for it,love it,treasure it,respect
it,value it and if they came move just a step forward then they can worship it

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