Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Space Desires

The sky is dark and keeps on fascinating us by its charms.The stars seem to be drunken in a sparkling wine and the wind seems to add some ardour to it.

We all live a life of fantasy.We all dream to reach the skies one day.Some adventurous souls even want to break the height of uncertainity and reach the space or search for the land unknown.But since ur first efforts in the 1960s how far we have accomplished our soaring of the sky.

I am happy to tell you all that we have reached quite far.India has already launched its first satellite by its own base.The basis lies how to prepare ourself ofr a long journey into the space.We take weeks to reach to moon so imagine how will wecarryout journeys to other planets taking more than 15 to 20 years and even a lifetime.

The major obstacle in this regard is the presence of cosmic radiations in the space.They are extremely harmful for our life and its possible that the astronaut or cosmonaut might die due to fatal disease during the journey.But a proper space suit might help the cause

So we encounter another obstacle ie to realise that we homosapiens are social animals and thus require a surrounding to interact.How can we imagine rising up in an enviorment were there is no morning and no radical change in our surronding details can me very depressing
And in that mode of stress and depression the space men might break into arguments during the journey among the co travellers.In such a case, you might wonder that the people on earth controlling the flight details might help them but we must realise that we are talking about such long term journeys where even radio signals take days to travel back to earth

Thus we must have someone to sort out the matter there itself.So some programers r developing a software which reads the facial expressions and try to guess the mental stae of the individual.Thus a computer councellor can work well
But we can even not imagine our lives without entertainment.So its becomes necesary to find a solution to that

Thus we came upon a wonderful conclusion.Instead of sending experienced scientists on such journeys its intelligent to send youthful couples on such errands who can develop their families on the way.We now plan to send a society of individuals who are compatible with each other as they solve the problem of clearing the air if anyone breaks in a fight and even providing usch reconcilation among them

But a totally new outlook lies in the fact that instead of making the surroundings adapt to us we should develop ourself to fit the changed enviorment.We can change the structure of the future humans by transplanting the genes to fit the space.By developng individuls who are borned for space errands.Like we can add a protein found in cockroaches to safe us from the cosmic radiations.The essence is simple we need to reinvent ourself.We need to search for permanent solutions to such problems and then we might develop such an human one day who can match r requirments of a specific planet.We cannot relate the enviorment of different planets to us right now rather we modify ourself to be accustomed to such planets

Thus it becomes evident that in the centuries to come we might find different species which r somewhat similar to humans residing in different regions of space.I believe....

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